He gives a really good breakdown on the financial resources available from the Canadian government for employees and business owners.
Very open and honest breakdown of the costs associated with running a restaurant, including the $160k monthly revenue they need to generate just to break even operationally (without owners taking a draw.)
The complexities that arise from something so small as washing dishes.
What does the customer experience look like when servers have to wear masks, tables are set far apart and not able to be social etc.
Very interesting when he talks about staff having to police customers.

What do you do if someone refuses to wear a mask?

What do you do if customers won't socially distance themselves?

What if things get confrontational, or even violent like they have in some places?
And having conflicting information from different levels of government, internet, other restaurants, suppliers etc on safety, cleaning etc.

What is actually safe and what is not? When can we get clarity on the true way to operate in this new COVID world?
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