No kidding.
Guess they’re not as fragile as the joggers.
“A man of strength”.

If you show strength, they will submit.
This not as hard as people make it out to be. You gotta give them something but it pretty clearly doesn’t have to be immigration necessarily.
“He didn’t take them personally”

I think the Republican experience with joggers gave them PTSD & has them walking on eggshells unnecessarily. And it’s actually damaging their ability to communicate with any non-fragile minorities. You can be real with most people, it’s ok.
“The immigration issue wasn’t a deal-breaker.” - a fresh off the boat Colombian.

Get it together Republicans.
You gotta be fucking kidding me with this.

I wanna do the clapping emoji thing but I won’t.

Let the joggers go. Is this not preferable? How is this not preferable as the demo to acquire (if you only had an A or B choice at least)?
I’m losing it. He’s taking responsibility for his people instead of playing the race card. Unheard of.

Not that I think he should have to “take responsibility”. He wasn’t smuggling drugs. But you know what I mean: he was chill about it & not fragile.
I’m gonna jump off the article & riff a little bit on this question. So here’s the thing: diversity + proximity equals conflict. There is truth to that. What do you think white flight is?

However: proximity to diversity does not necessarily “red pill” the whites. I’ll explain.
The red pilling phenomenon is only true with joggers. Ryan Faulk looked at data on this but just look at Cali as an example: full of Hispanics & the whites there almost vote more Dem than the diversity.

Hispanics & Asians do not have this effect of “changing white voting habits”
So here’s the problem: we have a group that whites physically flee, literally, in the white flight phenomenon. They are a red pilling agent in proximity in Deep South, the one place where whites go 80/20 GOP (mirror of 90/10 Dem group). And politically have a separate party...
I mean, has enough of a statement not been made here?

And this is the group Trump & the rest of these idiots simply cannot let go. They have to pander & prison reform & “lowest unemployment”.

Yea, I get it: the pandering is more for the white libs. Ok. Fine. I’m sure it is.
But eventually they’re gonna be hard up against it for making this trade off.

When you’re busy trying to soothe the libs, other people you could actually get hear that too.

I’m afraid of them falling into permanent Dem status purely out of an unnecessary relative neglect.
Not saying you have to debase or embarrass yourself (and as pointed out above: immigration needs to be off the table as a chip, tackled & I think that can be accomplished without scaring Hispanics off, they’re not fragile).

But make a serious play while you still can. Not hard.
It would actually be both preferable & better strategy to *not* embarrass yourself in fact: as pointed out above, strength is respected.

That should be easy for the right (it would be for a real right anyway).
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