Found this truly exciting DVD in my room
This DVD is distributed by a yoga instructional company that is also a cult.
Starting with The Little Mermaid and a fish immediately kisses a mermaid
This design definitely feels legally actionable
If you like movies scored to public domain classical music, this is the one for you!
Va va voom
Disney don't know shit about movement
Fred Flintstone is now a bird and is very invested in this relationship
What a wonderful original film. But that's just the kind of quality American Film Investment Corporation II is known for.
Moving on to Cinderella, featuring a title song that has the lyric "Winter brings the rain." Does winter bring rain? Obviously this differs globally, but in France I believe snow is still traditionally the weather of choice (aka "Weather Du Jour").
Getting The Critic vibes from these two
What is "having fun" like? A little something like this!
My favorite thing about animation like this is how they convey something whimsical like magic on a budget of five dollars. The fairy godmother knocks all the pots and pans on the ground, then picks them up by reversing the footage.
The idea of playing badminton while holding an entire turkey leg is actually the height of decadence, and why thia family was surely executed in the revolutions to come.
Rap game Goodtimes Entertainment Cinderella
"Glass slippers. How unusual." Sincerely like them pointing out how weird glass footwear is.
tfw u see a hot girl
tfw everybody at the party sees a hot girl
Me fist pumping, bouncing off the walls
You're a court advisor in medieval Europe. You have access to some resources, so you take a chance on fashion. Get a big floppy hat, put a feather in it, just go for the gusto. You're then roasted in cartoons for the rest of your afterlife.
This should not surprise anybody who has followed me for any length of time but these are genuinely not funny or interesting to any degree, watching mercenary trash and giggling imagining the production of it is how I relax.
I also think it is almost a public service for companies like this to drag the shit away from Disney and remind everybody that they don't actually own any of these stories. Anyway, Snow White next!
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