Been thinking about this today.
I get chronic migraines & they impact me similarly. My cognitive capacity is limited, I cannot think clearly, have difficuly accessing language, processing auditory stuff. & if I take my acute meds, then I also get super fuzzy, out of it, lose a lot of my social perception.
It is often difficult to get folks to understand the impact of migraines on me. I've had a lot of folks expect me to be able to brain in ways I simply cannot brain with a migraine, & it has led to ruptures in rships that were v bad, when I've tried to meet those expectations.
It's important to have ways to communicate cognitive capacity, ways that are clear & effective. Because migraines are disabling & describing how they are disabling is important & sometimes needs to happen fast & often needs to happen without access to a lot of language.
I personally shy away from the term "stupid" & wouldn't find it more easy to access but I get that I may be an outlier. For me, it's a word I associate w/abuse & language like that often viscerally feels like it has electric jolts in it to me, so it's harder to access w/no brain.
But I get that for many, this word would be the fastest easiest way to communicate something critically imp when they don't have access to much language & that feels like a case to me for possibly using it in those contexts? (While still getting that hearing it may hurt people.)
Often when it comes to things wrt disability, there are no easy clean answers that address everyone's needs. Access needs may be opposing, & I've encountered that enough in life to expect that it's gonna happen. That's why I try to not approach these questions as either/or.
On a practical note, here is the language I often use to describe my cognitive capacity being impaired when I have a migraine:
I cannot brain
Fuzzy brain
Cannot think
Brain fog
Loopy/silly from meds
Out of it
Not braining right now
Can't make words
No important talks/processing
Here's another person's language for this:
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