Thinking about stuff for the apartment and making a list of things I need is SO fucking stressful. Maybe it's an ADHD thing but i'm constantly fearing that i'm missing or forgetting super important things. And talking to my mom and my brother (who's also moving soon) doesn't help
I also have a really hard time planning purchases. Like, HOW am I supposed to know which lamp will be good for my 1-room apartment??? I can see how they look online, yea, but the pictures provided tell me NOTHING about how the light coverage will be like! Is that just me?
Like, I am struggling so much and it's so frustrating when it really shouldn't be? Seriously, is this just a me issue or do other ppl struggle with that stuff too? Bc OH MY GOD this whole moving business is just as stressful and anxiety-inducing as it is exciting xD
And that's not even getting into the anxiety about living all on my own for the first time in my life. Never done that before, i always had a partner or a friend with me.

Like, I already spend 95% of my day in my room, my family and I don't hang out much. But I have the option?
I *can* go downstairs and hang out in my moms office with her a bit if I want. I can sit in the kitchen while my brother cooks his dinner if I so choose.
But in the new apartment I'll be alone. All by myself. And I know I'm gonna be fine but there's still the fear of loneliness.
Idk i'm just... having a lot of conflicting feelings xD And I think that's normal. I spend several years looking for a place of me and I FINALLY found one. But at the same time I've been living with my family for so long. I'm used to it. The little bit of routine I have is here.
I know I will get a new routine. I know I can visit ppl at any time. It's just. yea. The fear of change i guess
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