The site coder started "dating" the site administrator when they were 19 and 13 years old respectively. This was in 2013. They are now engaged. Although they are well into adulthood, i feel it's important to know the person behind the screen you are supporting.
im personally glad i did not rush to register an account as much as id love to have a dedicated art site. i just wouldn't have a clear conscious knowing the information i know now.
i think it would have been significantly different if this was a relationship left in the past. but knowing an adult willing dated- if you can even call it that- a minor for 5 year until adulthood and even engaged further after is just. idk. makes my stomach fucking churn.
please excuse any poor judgement im making or typos im just!!! hoo wow i didnt expect this i need a break.
also because im afraid of getting backlash for some reason, before anyone says there is no prood that the minor in the journal is the one engaged to the creator/coder, make sure to remove the wayback part of the url and you will see who it redirects to.
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