To answer these questions:

1) I want him fired from WotC, nothing more or less. I'm 100% positive he loves the game, and losing the ability to stear it's future would be devastating I'm sure, and rightfully earned.

2) It is not my place to provide forgiveness or a second 1/
chance. I am not a victim of Zak's abuse nor Mike's doxxing. Do I hope he has taken the time to learn from his mistake? Yes. Can people grow and change and improve? Sure. I certainly have.

Will I accept that Mike has changed, if he does? That depends entirely on how he 2/
proceeds from here. To see him own up to his mistake, publicly, and to see him fight harder to protect victims instead of gaslighting or doxxing them would certainly help.

There's so much good in what Riley has written in this thread and I agree with pretty much all of it. 3/
Ultimately, cancelling MM is a small stone in a much larger river. It needs to happen, but it isn't going to be enough to change the course of our hobby or community. That takes a much more complex approach, and we need to make room for that conversation as well. /4
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