#kirimina #abo #omegaverse #fanfiction #bnha #mha #kiribaku #poly #threesome

Beta! Mina & Omega! Eijirou want to have a pup. Alpha! Katsuki is asked to help them.
"Are you fucking serious!?"

Mina postures herself in front of her mate, instinctively defensive with the Alpha's aggression. She can hear the Omega stifle a whimper behind her.

/It's okay, baby~/

Unable to emit a strong scent for soothing, Mina takes his hand and squeezes.
"We want your help," Mina tells him.

Katsuki snarls angrily, "I don't want a fucking pup!" He doesn't want the inconvenience.

Mina sighs with a fallen gaze, her mate snuggling up from behind and nuzzling into her neck. He whimpers again, obviously uncomfortable.
"You wouldn't have to be involved," Mina explains with a hand reached behind her head to ruffle Eijirou's hair. Katsuki watches as the Beta turns her head and places a kiss to Eijirou's cheek. He gags in disgust of their PDA.
He hears the Omega start purring and reluctantly his inner Alpha snarls.

/Omega. Should be ours. OMEGA!/
It's not until he feels a touch on his shoulder that Katsuki jolts back to reality. "Don't touch me!" He growls angrily, slapping Mina's delicate hand away.

That's a mistake.

Immediately, the Omega's purring stops.
Omegas aren't supposed to be aggressive. Omegas also aren't supposed to 6'5" in height either but Eijirou is not a typical Omega.

His physical appearance is deceiving. Mina & Eijirou began dating before his presentation. He assumed that he would be her Alpha. He isn't.
Despite not being her Alpha, they continued their relationship. Mina defended their relationship from anyone that questioned or harassed them. She protected her Omega.

However, after a full year of being passive, Eijirou finally snapped. It happened at their engagement party.
Eijirou had been the one to propose despite being an Omega. The young couple was excited to share the news and the party with their friends went wonderfully until...

"It ain't natural." Everyone's gaze turned to the club's bartender.
Mina tried to ignore the comment but Eijirou noticed the sadness in her eyes. Sadness that the bartender caused to happen. Mina excused herself to the bathroom. Eijirou watched her leave, her posture defeated and insecure.

/That's enough!/
Omega or not, Eijirou had reached his limit. His usual forest aroma became muddled with the scent of mildew. Everyone around him noticed.

Surprisingly, no one stopped him from approaching the bar, snatching the bartender's tie and snarling furiously in the man's face.
Sharp teeth, another oddity for an Omega, snapped loudly with an accompanying growl that came deep from his throat, Eijirou's strength lifted the smaller man up from the ground as the bartender squirmed helplessly.

"You hurt my mate," the Omega snarled.
Ignoring the bartender's pleas for forgiveness, Eijirou flung him over the counter, across the room and trapped him against a nearby wall.

"What is it with you people?" Eijirou kept the man trapped with his larger body. "Mina is the best mate in the world!"
"Ei!" Speak of the devil. "Ei, stop it!"

Persuaded by his mate's voice, he obeyed. The bartender was released, scurried pathetically from the scene and that night Eijirou made sure to worship every inch of his perfect mate's gorgeous body.
All this to say, seeing Katsuki slap away Mina's hand infuriated him.

Since that night at the bar, Eijirou has become insanely protective of her. To the point that sometimes even Mina forgets he isn't an Alpha.
Mina noticed the shift in Eijirou's scent immediately, Katsuki didn't. "Ei? Baby?" She turned around, soft hands cradling his face which had twisted into a snarl. "Hey, hey, baby boy? Calm down."

"What's his fucking problem?"
"You," Eijirou replied, jaw clenched tightly, almost painfully and eyes narrowed towards the blonde.

Katsuki scoffed, arms crossing as his lips lifted into a crooked smirk. "Oh? What ya gonna do about it, little Omega?"

/Yes. Challenge me, Omega./
Eijirou took a step forward, knocking his body into Mina and the young woman tried to halt him with a hand against his chest. He glanced down, momentarily nuzzling his face into her soft pink hair. The scent of roses temporarily soothing him.

Well, until the Alpha spoke again.
"What? Ya a coward, Omega?"

Mina felt the rumble of Eijirou's irritated growl. "Baby? We can just leave, okay? We'll find someone else."

"No," Eijirou grumbled against her bubblegum pink hair. "Let me do this."
Unable to deny him, she relented. She stepped aside, allowing her mate to approach Katsuki and even though her Omega is taller and more muscular... she worried for him.
Katsuki wasn't intimidated. His confident, essentially arrogant, smirk still present while the Omega approached. His nose wrinkled at Eijirou's scent.


Not a surprise, though. Eijirou is pissed off. His scent confirms it.
"Well, come to play?" Katsuki teased. "You're not like other Omegas."

That's obvious. Omegas have never interested him. Most of them are basically built like twinks with no trace of aggression in their bodies. To him, that's boring. Eijirou, however, is different.
"You hurt my mate." Mina wasn't technically hurt from the slap but in Eijirou's opinion Katsuki must be punished. "You'll pay for it."

The rumbling in Eijirou's voice, the deep tone of voice that most certainly would have frightened others, excited Katsuki.

/Bring it, Omega./
An hour or so passed before Mina felt comfortable to check on them. Both men had collapsed to the ground, blood smeared across their skin, clothing torn and sweat glistening on their bodies, the mix of their scents overpowering.

She knelt down beside him, carefully examining his injuries. Numerous bite marks, scratches and blossoming bruises. Eijirou whimpered when she traced a fingertip along his throat.

Thankfully, Katsuki hadn't claimed him by accident.
Focused only on her mate, Mina didn't acknowledge Katsuki. She scattered gentle kisses on Eijirou's face, leaning down and nuzzling into his intact mating gland. He whimpered again at the contact, weakly shifting and exposing more of his throat.
Mina smiled, licking a flat stripe up his neck and effectively scenting him with her saliva. He tasted... different. His earthy scent was combined with a spicey aroma. "Cinnamon?" Not only that but he felt abnormally warm against her tongue. "Ei?" Her mate whimpered.
"Mina," Eijirou whispered, eyes still closed and voice wrecked.

"It's okay baby," she cooed. "I'm here."

He mumbled something. She leaned down closer, eyes widening and lips pressed thin when she finally heard him:

"It has to be him."
❣ (( Guilt, insecurities & breeding discussion )) ❣
It's been a week. Eijirou has become distant. Mina doesn't understand.
Cinnamon. That's all he can smell. Shower after shower, even with scented body wash, lotions and cologne... it's all he can smell around him. He can't even... he can't even smell Mina's floral scent anymore.
Mina. His beloved mate. He can't tolerate being around her right now.

Every time she is near he feels nauseous, a constriction of guilt in his chest and an overwhelming weight of shame.

Bless her heart, she doesn't understand why they don't share a bed anymore. He can't.
"Are you mad at me?"

He doesn't respond.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Again, no reply.

"I... I miss you, Ei."

He doesn't say a word when she walks out the apartment door with a backpack.
It's another week later when Mina returns her engagement ring. Their mutual friends, Itsuka and TetsuTetsu drop it off.

Neither is prepared for the sight they find upon entry into the apartment.
The walls are torn apart with claw marks, the couch cushions chewed up and destroyed, a framed photograph of the once happy couple clutched to an unconscious Omega's chest.

As a fellow Omega, Itsuka cautiously approaches and kneels down beside Eijirou.
⚠️ (( Self harm ))

She has heard stories about Omegas going feral if separated from their mates for too long but this is her first time seeing such a thing.

Eijirou has several injuries that look to be from his own teeth and claws. Blood has bubbled and dried on his skin.
"Tetsu?" Her mate immediately responds. "Call an ambulance." He does so quickly, his claws scratching and scuffing the surface of his phone.

Meanwhile, Itsuka strokes a hand gently through Eijirou's matted hair, humming a melody in hopes of soothing him and it seems to work.
"WHAT HAPPENED!?" Mina is an inconsolable wreck when Itsuka informs her about Eijirou's condition. "I need to see him!"

Itsuka quickly grabs her friend's arm. "Not right now. He's still feral. You need to wait." A feral Omega is unpredictable. It's too dangerous.
Reluctantly, Mina yields.

She and Itsuka stay in the waiting room. TetsuTetsu kindly brings them something to drink before taking a seat and wrapping a protective arm around Itsuka.

It's a simple gesture. A gesture Mina hasn't experienced in a while. It makes her jealous.
TetsuTetsu and Itsuka both notice the shift in Mina's scent. The lovely floral aroma has faded, dwindling greatly in mere seconds.

The couple shares a concerned glance and its Itsuka that questions the fellow Omega.
Itsuka is overly cautious when she asks, "If you can tell us, what happened between you two?"

She isn't surprised when Mina hesitates. Eventually, though, Mina does speak. She explains how they asked Katsuki to be their sperm donor.

"Um, how would that work?" Tetsu asks.
Itsuka scolds her mate but Mina clarifies. "We were gonna have a doctor inseminate Ei using Katsuki's sperm." They didn't want it done the natural way for obvious reasons.

A bit immature but TetsuTetsu pretends to gag. His girlfriend smacks him upside the head.
To both their astonishment, Mina cracks a half-hearted smile. "You two make a good couple," she tells them.

The pair blushes, Tetsu snuggling closer to Itsuka and she giggles, turning to kiss his cheek. Only after do they realize Mina's smile has gone. They apologize.
Mina sniffles with watering eyes, "It's okay." Mina continues to confide in them about how after the confrontation with Katsuki everything changed. "He kept avoiding me."

Itsuka can't resist comforting the Beta. Tetsu releases his embrace so she can cuddle the distraught woman.
"He wouldn't touch me anymore. He started sleeping on the couch. He wouldn't talk to me!" Mina is borderline hysterical when the doctor approaches them.

"Kirishima is finally stable. We're gonna keep him overnight for observation. You may visit him now."
"Aren't you coming?"

Mina shakes her head. "He doesn't want me around. I shouldn't even be here. Can you..."

Itsuka touches Mina's shoulder, "What?"

Mina sniffles quietly, unable to meet her friend's eyes. "Just let him know that I still love him, okay?"
Itsuka keeps her promise but Eijirou seems uncomfortable with the news. His entire body goes tense, jaw clenched and bandaged hands clutching onto his blanket. It doesn't make any sense.

/How does someone go from wanting pups with their mate to suddenly avoiding them?/
Itsuka isn't the only one confused.

"Bro?" Itsuka left the room to get some coffee and TetsuTetsu now has the chance to question Eijirou hissed. "What's going on? Mina told us you guys wanted pups. Why are you suddenly being so mean to her?"
The disappointment in his friend's voice, especially since Tetsu is an Alpha, brings Eijirou to whimper.

The ashamed Omega hides underneath the covers like a pathetic child.

/I'm a bad Omega. Bad mate. Bad!/
The next day, Eijirou is released from the hospital and returns home.

Well, it doesn't feel like home now with Mina gone but its where he lives.

Instead of cleaning up, Eijirou crawls under the covers of their bed and cries himself to sleep.
He wakes up abruptly from an intense nightmare, his body drenched in sweat and a familiar ache in his stomach.


He's in heat.
Eijirou has a small box of toys but using them without Mina just feels wrong. Its painful but he tries to ignore his heat. He can't pleasure himself knowing he has shattered Mina's heart. He just can't.

Instead, hours into his heat, Eijirou is curled into the fetal position.
⚠️ (( Intersex Omega ))

Through the haze of his heat, involuntarily compelled by instinct, Eijirou's hand sneaks down into his pants. His underwear is drenched in slick, the fabric clinging to his heated skin and his core is throbbing desperately.

He needs a knot.
Mina just wanted to collect a few belongings. She didn't expect to be suffocated by Omega pheromones upon opening the door. There's no denying the scent is from Eijirou. She has experienced enough heats with him to know the smell.
Her belongings are in the bathroom. She doesn't need to go in their bedroom. Yet, intrigued by the smell, she does.

She's speechless at the sight of her former lover presenting himself on the bed, a hand frantically fingering his core while humping helplessly into a pillow.
He doesn't seem to notice her. Unaware of her presence, Eijirou whimpers and whines, face down into the bed, his hand going deeper and heavy cock between his legs weeping in desperation.

He looks so beautiful to her. A perfect mate. But... he's not hers anymore.
It's impossible for her not become aroused at the sight and sounds.

Eijirou's voice gets louder and louder until he screams with his first orgasm. His cock sprays a clear release onto their blankets, his core twitching and slick soaked hand falling limp from the abused hole.
Panting heavily, body collapsing to the dirty bed, Eijirou snatches a pillow and starts to sob uncontrollably.

Mina can't stop herself from rushing to his side, kneeling on the ground beside the bed and stroking a hand through his damp hair.


The still crying Omega obediently lifts his head and turns to her. Mina's heart breaks seeing her beloved so distraught. She tries to calm him but every touch just brings new tears. Eijirou even seems to recoil from her affection.

She wants to hold him but she can't.
Not while he seems so uncomfortable with her. "What's wrong?" Well, besides the obvious.

He doesn't answer.

"Do you..." She starts to stand up. "Do you want me to leave?"
Eijirou panics, grabbing her wirst and tugging her closer. It's enough of an answer for her. Mina sits down on the bed, hands to herself except for the wrist Eijirou won't release and she realizes this is the most contact they've had in a while.
Neither speaks a word until a gush of new slick pours unceremoniously from Eijirou's glistening core. Reacting on instinct, Mina strokes a hand down the length of Eijirou's spine. He coos quietly, body arching into her touch.

"Ei?" He looks up. "Can I?"
He nods, burying his face into the pillow while the bed creaks with Mina's weight as she crawls behind him.

It's been a while since they were last intimate but the routine is so familiar to them.

Licking her lips, hands positioning his hips up slightly, she leans in.
Eijirou's trembles from Mina's warm breath against his damp hole. A gasp of pleasure is ripped from his throat as Mina's skillful tongue licks around the opening, purposely avoiding where she knows Eijirou wants her to touch.

As always, he tastes so sweet on her tongue.
Eijirou won't speak but his sounds of pleasure reassure her that he wants her to continue. So she does.

Savoring each and every taste of his sinful slick while carefully prodding a finger at his opening, Eijirou nearly suffocates Mina by suddenly pushing back into her face.
She doesn't complain. She gives in, penetrating his twitching core with her long tongue, swirling and twirling inside of him while lowering one hand to his neglected cock. Her pretty Omega moans gratefully, grinding his backside against her mouth while Mina begins to stroke him.
Usually, Mina would strap on a knotting dildo but right now she wants no barrier between them and Eijirou seems to want the same.
Eijirou cums multiple times. Mina licks him clean each time, continuing to service him even with an ache building in her jaw. The bedding beneath them is ruined but neither seems to care. Mina focuses entirely on pleasing her lover and with his fifth orgasm she finally hears:
"Mina! I love you! Mina!!!"

Temporarily satisfied for a while, his body dropping to the mattress, he weakly motions to her with adorable grab hands that make her giggle.

Smearing the slick from her mouth with the back of her hand, Mina crawls up the bed and snuggles him.
Being back in his embrace, his face nestled into her hair, it feels normal again. Its perfect.



He hums quietly in response.
"What's been going on with you?"

He goes silent and she worries that maybe everything is ruined again but Eijirou speaks quietly, "Cinnamon."

She doesn't understand. "What about it?"
❣ The beginning: https://twitter.com/Nicallette/status/1265035942814814209?s=19
"Cinnamon," he repeats.

"I don't... wait..." She does remember. Cinnamon. She smelt it after his fight with the Alpha. "Katsuki?" He nods against her hair. "What about him?"
He doesn't answer. Instead, Eijirou starts kissing down the side of her face and despite being confused, Mina adores the affection. She arches her neck exposing the neglected mating gland on her neck. Eijirou's tongue licks across it several times. Each touch arousing her more.
The female Beta moans when her Omega seals his mouth around the gland and begins to suckle like a starving kitten. Her hands lift and tangle in his hair pushing him closer. Eijirou growls lowly while continuing to suckle, the pleasure beginning to mix with pain.

His teeth press down just enough to stimulate the sensitive nerves below the gland. Mina squirms, thighs squeezing and rubbing desperately but not nearly providing enough friction where she wants it.
Eijirou is already naked but Mina isn't. He fixes that quickly. She can't complain about her torn clothing while Eijirou switches to her breasts, suckling and biting in just the right spots that reduce her to whimpers.
Replacing his mouth with eager hands, Eijirou leans down beside her ear and whispers, "I wanna make love to you."

Tears of happiness build in her eyes. She smiles and nods, opening her legs and welcoming him.
It's not often that Eijirou utilizes his cock for penetration. As an Omega his sperm is non-fertile so there's no risk of pregnancy to Mina. He doesn't have an Alpha sized cock but it still fills his mate perfectly, even causing a small swell in her lower stomach.
A swell that makes him yearn to impregnate his beautiful Beta. He can't, though. Physically, he just can't.

Mina senses the sadness in her mate when he has yet to move. "Hey, Ei?" She cradles his cheek, he nuzzles into the touch. "I love you."
His eyes soften in adoration. "I love you too."

Mina is momentarily uncomfortable when he slowly starts thrusting. The discomfort is eased away by the passionate kisses and caresses to her body.

Eijirou is a very attentive lover.
Eijirou's thrusts pick up speed at Mina's encouragement. Her smaller body sliding up and down the blankets with his forceful rhythm.

When he finally spills into her body he pretends to be locked into place as if he actually has a knot joining them together.

She loves it.
Sweaty, cum and slick soaked bodies cuddle together to savor the after glow. Eijirou's softened cock still nestled securely inside her while he embraces her from behind. Its a beautiful moment but it can't last for long. Mina still has questions.
She won't let him avoid the questions now. Besides, he'd ruin his knotting fantasy if he retreated. This is the perfect chance to get answers.

"You said he had to be the one." She feels him nod into her hair. "You want him to be our pup's father?"

Eijirou tenses.
"No. I'll be their daddy. You'll be their mommy."

Mina can't resist smiling. She teasingly rolls her hips into him which makes him groan and squeeze onto her hips. He deserves a reward for answering so far.

"Why did you..."

He already knows the question.
There's an uncomfortable silence between them that only ends when Eijirou weakly thrusts his flaccid cock into her warmth.

Mina squeaks, "Ei! Answer the question!" He doesn't want to. He can't risk losing her again. "Eijirou Kirishima!"
Its not an Alpha's voice but its effective on him.

Nervously burying his face into her hair, hands squeezing tightly to her body, his legs curling up into hers, he finally reveals the truth.

"I wanna mate with him."
❣Story starts here: https://twitter.com/Nicallette/status/1265035942814814209?s=19
Eijirou and Mina have relocated to the bathroom, standing underneath the shower while they continue their earlier discussion.

"You wanna mate with him?"

She doesn't sound mad but he's still worried.

"Do you want him instead of me?"

She doesn't see the panic on Eijirou's face. She had turned around to grab the shampoo. Eijirou spins her around by the hips, traps her against the wall and smashes their lips together almost frantically.
They're breathless when they separate. Eijirou's hands move to cradle her delicate face, thumbs caressing away the droplets beneath her eyes.

"I always want to be with you. I wanna marry you. Properly claim you and be claimed by you. I want us to have a family."
Mina is so confused.

"Then why do you want him too!?"

Eijirou flinches at her voice. He hates himself for making her so unhappy.

"Tell me, Ei!"
"I... it's... it's like my Omega wants him. I can't... I can't explain it! After I fought him I couldn't smell your scent anymore! It was always cinnamon. Even now, I can't..."

He sniffed her for emphasis.

"I can't smell you."
Mina started to cry. It broke him further. The Omega submitted, dropping to his knees and burying his face into her stomach.

A display of remorse.

"I love you. I want you. I've wanted you since before I even presented! My Omega had nothing to do with it."
Its the truth. Eijirou pursued her before presenting as an Omega. His love for her had developed before even being an Omega. Its genuine, heartfelt, completely sincere love that grew along with their relationship but this situation with the Alpha, its not him.

Its the Omega.
He felt mildly relieved when Mina touched his hair, twirling the wet strands between her fingers.

/She's not rejecting me./
"Tell me everything, Ei. Why distance yourself from me?"

Answering this is risky but he has to be honest. If not, he'll lose her completely.
"I kept dreaming about him. Getting aroused by memories of his voice, touch and that fucking smell."

Mina 'accidentally' tugged a strand of hair. She didn't apologize.

He continued, "My Omega kept screaming for him. It wants him so badly. I... I was being a bad mate."
The hand in his hair dropped. He immediately panicked. Eijirou whimpered into her stomach but she just told him to continue.

"I've never wanted anyone but you. My Omega didn't either until that day. I would never betray you but I felt like I already was..."
Humans and their inner voices are supposed to be linked together but in rare occasions the two aren't cohesive with each other.
"You deserve someone that's not so conflicted," he admitted sadly. "I thought pushing you away was right. You'd find someone else."

Mina grabbed the shampoo and started washing her hair and honestly, it hurt him to see her be so uninterested in him but he accepted it.
"When you left, I was miserable. I missed you so much. My Omega kept screaming for you..."

Mina scoffed, "Thought it wanted him."

Eijirou winced. "It wants you both."
"Mina?" Soapy water glided down her body. His head tilted up, chin against her stomach and although soap bubbles dripped into his eyes he didn't look away from her. He watched as she scrubbed her hair and rinsed it out.

Besides, the pain is punishment for his bad behavior.
The soap irritated his eyes and if Mina looked down she would have seen it herself but she didn't. She reached for the conditioner instead.

Without looking down she could discern he was crying by the sound and his chin trembling against her stomach.
"Did you want him during your..."

Eijirou frowned, "No!"

"You weren't imagining him while you..."

He hated her tone. It's callous, heartless and rude. It's not her.

"No," he repeated.
Something about his voice made her suspicious. A certain inflection.

She questioned him again. "Before your heat lessened, Eijirou. When you wouldn't speak. Was that because you wanted to scream his name?"
Her Omega whimpered, hiding his face in her stomach while he cried. He admitted through sobs that she was correct.

"W...When my Omega was in control it wanted him. After it calmed down, once my heat lessened, I only wanted you."
He made love to her.

Him, not his Omega.

Finished with her hair, Mina finally knelt down and held her Omega's distraught and eye irritated face. She wants to be mad. She has every right to be mad but her Omega is so apologetic and remorseful.

She forgave him.

"You hurt me, Eijirou. I was heartbroken but I love you."
"I love you. We'll figure this out together, okay? I'm never gonna leave you. I'm yours, baby boy. Forever."
❣ If you're new here: https://twitter.com/Nicallette/status/1265035942814814209?s=19
Eijirou and Mina started attending couples therapy together. It was awkward, yeah but they've made progress. Eijirou now realizes his Omega is the more animalistic and primal aspect of himself fueled primarily by hormones and instinct. Its not a bad thing but its challenging.
He simply can't be a normal Omega.

Mina now understands she can't blame Eijirou for his Omega's compulsions. She treats them like separate people. Not exactly accurate but it helps.
When they decide to finally get married its two years later.

They're now in their late twenties with a stable relationship. They still attend therapy but not as frequently. Eijirou's Omega is only really a problem during his heats.

Sometimes he'll cry out for Katsuki.
Once his heat is on the decline he worships Mina and spends hours satisfying her and pretending to knot her. It pleases them both.
The wedding is soon. Mina has already chosen her dress, Eijirou has his suit, the cake has been ordered and invitations sent.

They get married in December.

Neither one expects Katsuki to be there but he is...
They deliberately ignore him. Itsuka, TetsuTetsu and their other guests keeping them busy.

Katsuki watches them from a distance, though and Mina purposely scents Eijirou multiple times just in case Katsuki gets any ideas.
On their wedding night, Mina gently shoves her new husband against the gorgeous bed, crawling on top of him and kissing him passionately.

He eagerly responds.

Their tongues dance, Mina's winning dominance while Eijirou obediently submits to her.
Carefully, she undresses him. She admires every inch of his body, praising it with kisses and playful bites here and there. He swoons with pleasure, hips eagerly thrusting into the air without making contact.

She giggles, "Do you want me?"
He nods. Its not enough.

"I said," she drops down onto him, grinding into his groin, "do you want me?"

Her Omega is panting, pupils dilated and cheeks rosy, a visible lustful wreck beneath her.

"Yes," he moans. "I want you, Mina!"
"Good boy."

Clothing discarded to the floor, Mina slithers down his body, mouth finding his perfectly erect cock and teasingly licking it while one hand drops lower and prods at his entrance. The copious amounts of slick quickly soaking her hand.
"You're my good boy, aren't you? My perfect husband. My handsome mate. All mine~"

When she unexpectedly swallows his cock in its entirety, her nose tickled by his pubes, Eijirou literally screams. She's never done that before. Must have practiced because she didn't gag once.
Mina is an excellent multitasker.

While damn near sucking the life from his cock she also eased her slick coated hand gradually into his opening.

The stretch and burn was sinful in the best way for Eijirou.
⚠️ (( Slight fisting ))

Her fingers found all the most sensitive spots inside him. She stimulated them repeatedly, swallowing down his cock simultaneously and humming which had her husband in euphoric tears.
"Mina... I'm g... gonna..."

That was her cue. She quickened her pace, clenching her hand into a fist and teasing the entrance of Eijirou's hole just as an Alpha's cock would do before knotting.
Eijirou spilled down her throat.

His body trembling and seizing with the orgasm but although he already felt drained... when Mina pushed her fist through and imitated an Alpha's knot, he came again.
Mina pulled back and allowed him to spray his cum across her face.

Her fist buried inside him, Eijirou almost came again when his eyes opened to see his gorgeous wife licking cum from her swollen lips and some strands of it hanging from her eyelashes.
"Your gorgeous."

Mina chuckled, "So are you!"

She kissed his stomach, slowly removing her hand and apologizing when Eijirou hissed out in slight pain. She licked his slick from each finger, moaning in pleasure while he watched completely transfixed.
/I love this woman!/

He wanted to please her too. He effortlessly flipped her against the bed, admiring her beauty with a loving gaze while crawling down her body.

She eagerly clutched his hair, already shivering from anticipation as he lowered his face to her core.
The first time he gave her oral was awful. He had accidentally cut her with his teeth but over the years he has perfected his technique.

Luckily, she doesn't mind a little pain. Mina primarily uses that magical tongue of hers but he prefers his hands.

He has large hands.
They fill her up wonderfully, reach the perfect spots while he ever-so-gently nips at her bud.

Mina squirms, begging him for more and he can never deny her anything.

Alternating between playful nips, suckling and languid licks, he curls his fingers just right inside her.
She releases with a scream, nearly pulling out some of his hair but he just growls while licking her delicious juices.
Afterwards, they cuddle together and dream about their future.

In the back of Eijirou's mind, though, is Katsuki.
❣ Now we're getting to the KiriBaku stuff! Also, I'm heavily sleep deprived so I apologize if this thread sucks. I'm trying! 😭 This was SUPPOSED to be a short thread but uh... that didn't happen. I don't plan my stories out, they just develop as I'm writing. I'd LOVE fanart! 🥰
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