“hisoka is a pedo” why i dont agree with that

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most people have in mind this scene where this damn clown( hes a magician, pls dont beat me!!) staring at gon and killuas ass in greed island with appetite which i will try to define here
in fact, hisokas thirst for power is so immense that the pleasure he feels in fighting powerful opponents or in this case when seeing gon and killuas meteoric progression-resemble of sexuality the line between pleasure and sexuality is thin we have to be careful dont confuse them
we often speak of taste pleasure its not uncommon to see food associated with sexuality, im thinking in particular to the food wars manga but also irl for example, the rude terms used during sexual intercourse also makes sense(eat, swallow, etc)
beisdes, hisoka call his preys “his fruitsl and waits until they reach “maturity” before being able to fight. i find “fruit” term particularly well choose and once again refers to sexual aspect (peaches whose juice flows) used in emoji to speak about sex things
i think we can say that if in an “normal” perosn the libido is characterized by sexuality, while that hisoka is reflected by his thirst combat...its visceral and so deeply embedded in him that it becomes physical, sometimes to the point of making it suffer
im thinking in particular reason of the scene during the hunter exam arc, after crossed kurapika and leorio to take their badges, hisoka decides not to kill them but this decision makes him seriously suffer he goes so far as to kill a random candidate

people speak of hisoka like a pedophile, its an error judgement about the source of the pleasure

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