Gonna get personal on here one more time asking for your help, so thanks in advance for your time. My recently departed dad was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2011 and was given 2 months live. After testing it was determined his cancer was ALK+, a genetic mutation of said cancer.
Because of the cancer caused by his lung cells genetic mutation he was able to take part in multiple clinical trials that helped advance the research for this cancer mutation and kept him alive and with us for another 8 years. Seriously, he was written about in medical journals.
He and my mom have been very active over the years with @ALKLungCancer and the amazing work they do. Lung cancer is the most deadly and least funded of all cancer and this is primarily due to the stigma surrounding it regarding smoking. My father didn’t smoke.
Younger people under 55 who have never smoked are most likely to be diagnosed as ALK+. They don’t get the benefit of a week of free marketing and fundraising from the NFL or MLB because of the unfair stigma surrounding lung cancer.
You can follow @williamzabka42.
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