Thread: Trump must be defeated or his second term will be an autocracy

It’s time to discuss the ugly truth of why Trump must be defeated.

We *can* defeat him. But, if we fail, Trump will seize absolute control and demand loyalty from all.
Trump already has near complete control of the Executive Branch. He’s installed loyalists in control of law enforcement and national intelligence. He’s completing the final stages of eliminating oversight by Inspectors General and whistleblowers.
DOJ has pledged “Heil Trump!” Trump and his allies are immune from investigation while investigations are launched against Trump’s political enemies. We should expect show trials to commence shortly into Trump’s second term.
Trump already has captured much of the judiciary and continues to stack the courts. He’s close to controlling a majority of the judges in several key Circuit Courts. It’s hard to imagine RBG holding out deep into Trump’s second term, giving Trump complete control of SCOTUS.
Trump already has weakened Congressional oversight in court. He only needs 34 Senators to prevent his removal from office and, if necessary in his second term, Trump will coerce Congressional support by imprisoning those who defy him.
In addition to controlling the US government, Trump has aligned himself in an axis of evil with Putin, Saudi Arabia’s Mohammad Bid Salman, and other dictators on the rise world-wide. NATO has been left for dead. There will be no one to stop Putin and Trump in a second term.
Soon after beginning a second term, Trump would ban liberal media sources, leaving us with only state run media. Trump would also direct intelligence agencies to monitor our activity to discern our loyalties. Public expression of dissent or resistance would not be tolerated.
I say all this merely by way of explaining that Trump must be stopped. We must mobilize and get as many people inspired and registered to vote against Trump as we possibly can.
For Trump to win re-election, he must get within cheating distance of victory. To do that, Trump needs an opponent he can drag through the mud. Unfortunately for Trump, Biden is squeaky clean and largely immune from his smear attacks, but that won’t stop him from trying.
Trump has used his allies abroad and on the left to launch an initial smear campaign against Biden. Bernie’s campaign and media surrogates (including the likes of Chris Hayes) assisted Russia in the failed Tara Reade operation, and they stand ready to amplify future attacks.
Anyone working against Biden must be viewed as working for Trump. There is no middle ground. You are fighting for Biden and democracy or you are fighting for Trump and autocracy.

Get motivated and get serious.

We *can* win this.

We *must* win this.
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