I got a job! I got a job!

I know nothing of these high paying jobs people talk of, but I got a job.

It’s remote, and I don’t have to leave my house. I don’t get to code, but I do get to help young people learn code things.
If you’re also looking for a job, read this thread. I’m pretty sure this helped a lot. https://twitter.com/vicki_langer/status/1258805813315067914
Since you’re here, a few reminders:

Even if your state/country is open, please #StayHomeSaveLives as much as possible.

Know your privilege and use it to help others.

Pet your cat, it reduces stress.

You are beautiful and you are awesome at what you do. Keep at it
You can follow @vicki_langer.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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