I am probably gonna get hate for this, but I need to say it. Hsdaily you need to stop. It is not okey to steal an idea that the Louis au has worked on. I am all for supporting all of the boys, but this is so not okey. Just a few hours after the #ProjectAlwaysYou tiktok challenges
became announced on the Louis au, you post a tiktok challenge for ws. You could at least have waited a few days and give the Louies credit for the idea. I know some people are gonna attack me and say that people do tiktok challenges all the time and it’s not an original idea.
I know that people do tiktok challenges all the time, but this is a part of a bigger project and it is a cool way to promote Always You. With people doing a project about ws takes the light away from the #ProjectAlwaysYou At this point I don’t know why it is like this. If you
like the idea the use it, but not a few hours later and try to outshine the other person. I am a directioner and support both L and H, but this is just plain wrong.
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