I miss dimie so I'm gonna make a thread of my favourite pics of him so I don't cry alone while looking through all the pics in my dimie folder
starting strong my breakdown with the biggest cultural reset
angy (๑•̀з•́)و
smolest angel me thinks
this is picture I have hanged of my king and president
1080p man in a 144p world
also a cultural reset
pretty uwu
glitter ;-----;
sam.exe stopped working
do not forget jeak (jimin beak) he works really hard
stolen from a museum
uhm yes I agree
no I refuse to choose just one
me thinks he shines brighter than those lights
oh lawd it's round
sleepy fluffy dimi might be my favourite dimi
he is art???
very important days they were
thoughts are being thunk see
my most favourite nothing will ever top a h^^py blushing dimi
end of this thread with vmin thank you for dealing with my annoying ass I'll go back to my missing diminie agenda now no
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