It’s not particularly being a Philly fan in the DMV, but as someone who has lived in the region for close to 20 years, believe me when I say I’m nothing but happy for my Nats fan friends. Some of my best buds are Nats fans, and I’m sincerely happy they get to revel in a WS win.
But, honestly, the people both online and in person who choose to find some way to rub Bryce Harper’s face in it, or in Phillies fans’ faces by proxy, that’s a bad look.
When the grand narrative, if we’re being honest, was he’s never going to leave>He’ll go to NY or LA>I can’t believe he went to Philly, traitor>Oooooh Philly overpaid>Oh, we didn’t need him anyway!
But my friends were both smart and realistic, and never made much of it one way or the other. And I doubt they’ve considered it in months.
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