I’ve struggled for a long time with executive function (especially with revising my fiction WIPs. My biggest struggle is picking up where I left off (because I forget. Easily). Out of sight out of existence. So I’ve made my version of a #scrumBoard w/ leftover wasi tape 1/?
The chunk in the reddish polka-dot border is my WIP. I am NOT a multitasker so (for now) there will only ever be one manuscript represented here at a time 2/?
“Icebox” column is smaller detail ideas that occur to me For this WIP (only)
“Sandbox” column is for Shiny New Story Ideas. I’m allowing myself to have them but they can’t join this WIP.
“On Deck” is stuff I want to do in the VERY near future (no more than 72 hours out).
“Doing” is the stuff I’m doing TODAY, and I’ll pull those from the ‘on deck’ column (in chapter # order for sanity’s sake)
“Stuck” is space for me to be honest when I’m either struggling or just need a literal break. Getting visible about these chapters/issues is VERY good for me (and parallel to the personal/professional boundaries I’m setting IRL)
“Done!” is DONE with whatever task I’m working on [realize I want to make a sub-label so I don’t go down revision rabbit holes]. Currently my revision-task is: translating the draft as-is from 3rd person past into first person present—a good way to get reacquainted w/ WIP too ?/?
I have a strong LTM, but a terrrrrrrrible STM. So, I have a clumsy suspicion that THIS scrum board is going to not only inspire me to keeping going, but it's literally going to remind me what I'm working on (on a paragraph and chapter level) with this WIP
Notes to self (& anyone who finds it helpful)
-I'm going to add a section to show revision-task name
-I'm only using half-post-its to stand for each chapter.
-I will re-use them with each revision tasks
-I'll add revision-task ideas to ICEBOX
-I will adapt any of this as needed
If my future agent does ever find this thread it might work to your advantage to buy stock in metallic Wasi Tape and welches fruit snacks (gluten free pls-I think publix sells them in a family/party box pack)
You can follow @thedavisgirl.
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