The Myth of New York Toughness

NY is tough. Welcome Back Kotter. NYPD Blue. Yanks/Rangers/Giants/Knicks. Summer of Sam. Mets/Jets/Islanders. Ozone Park. Brooklyn. The Mob. Gatti.
We all know the grit that NYers have been assigned as a permanent characteristic thruout the last 100 years. On 9/11 there was this idea that only NY could’ve come back from such an attack.
But what if none of it is true. I don’t mean that 9/11 isn’t true. I’m talking about this idea of NY toughness. What if NYC is the epitome of the new American, a soft drama-queen millennial who would rather embrace what is PC than actually show any balls or character?
Lots of what NY’ers seem to rely on is misinformation, hysteria, and embracing groupthink.
Let’s look at 9/11. 3k died in NYC that day. 5 boros’ pop was 8 million and metro NYC was 18 million in 2001.
That means 3 in 1000 new Yorkers died and 3 in 3000 counting metro pop, NJ, CT, etc.
Yet everyone you spoke to claimed they knew someone who died. Sometimes they’d claim to know 4, 5, or 6 people who died. No one got called out on lying about it.
NYers rely on screaming you out of the room if you disagree with their hysteria. But obviously many people were lying.
Now, with the SCAMdemic, I have personally spoken to half a dozen NYers. These are people I was friends with and trusted.
And they are all lying to me. I know they are lying because they are claiming to all know 10, 20, or even 30 people who have died from Covid. It’s not statistically true, nor does it pass the smell test. As soon as I ask specifics, they disappear.
One claimed she knew a 10 yr old kid who died, despite the fact that it would have been national news if true.
The conversations start like this: “We know a lot of people who have succumbed/you have no idea how bad it is/they are carrying people away in bags/they have trucks outside the building for all the dead bodies..”
As soon as I play along and ask followups, the qualifiers start “Well, I am not sure if it was covid/I don’t know if they had pre-existing conditions/yes they smoked a lot/they had cancer or diabetes/well I didn’t know them but my friend’s sister’s cousin’s dog did”
NYers are the most “Go with the crowd cos we are tough NYers and we need a shared identity” populace in human history yet they spend 2/47 convincing themselves of the opposite. “YA BETTA NOT MESS WIT US” yet deep down, they are softer than a rural Mississippi high school.
There’s no question if the Civil War were fought today the North would be in big trouble. They don’t have any skills. The South grows its own food, has physical labor skills, knows how to shoot guns, etc.
NYC is a soyboy city of swishy tech types that prances around Whole Foods and Fairway to feed itself. Most of NY is in overwhelming debt, yet believes its 1 step away from being a celebrity. They WANT to share the air celebrities breathe so badly.
But while the South still respects its Civil War generals like Lee, Jackson and Forrest, NYC elects AOC, and she represents their empty lack of a soul perfectly. Cuomo represents their need to embrace a soap opera family.
And look how quickly they accepted the narrative, as Cuomo sent 1000s into nursing homes to die. All it took was the flabby goose Di Blasio to order them home, and they complied immediately, even as he ignored his own quarantine.
Does that sound “NY tough” to you? They are the Polish ratting out Anne Frank and embracing Hitler.
Today a scene unfolded in Staten Island where hysterical Karens and prissy beta males shrieked at a woman without a mask and chased her out of the store in one of the most hysterical displays of this entire hoax.
NY men don’t defend their women and don’t shut them up when they need it either.
So NY tough is a myth. They are soft, compliant with Big Brother, all in on the big lie of this social experiment, and wouldn’t last a week in a fight against most of the other 50 states.

So spare us NYC. Go ahead and secede and become Estrogenia.
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