1. Just realized I haven't done one of my This Week In Trump threads for a while. I know y'all miss that special feeling of choking, helpless fury! So let's take a glance at the last week or so of news & see what our Dear Leader has cooked up for us. Buckle up.
9. It's not an isolated incident. Trump is waging war on IGs across the gov't -- thwarting their efforts & replacing them w/ loyalists. He explicitly rejects the very notion of independent oversight. His gang won, they get the spoils; that's how it works. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/22/us/politics/trump-inspectors-general.html
10. Trump alleged massive fraud in the 2018 elections in Florida. The state just concluded a 17-month investigation. Guess what? Nothing. No fraud, just a fevered conspiracy theory. Keep this in mind as November approaches. https://www.politico.com/states/florida/story/2020/05/21/a-trump-election-conspiracy-collapses-1285442
12. This last one☝️needs emphasis. Trump is incapable of focusing long enough to read a short briefing. He won't/can't absorb objective information from experts. He can ONLY pay attention to RW media, which is packaged to play on his prejudices. It's a nightmare. </fin for now>
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