“Those Who Should (and MUST) Remain Locked-Down ... Indefinitely!”-Unedited & Unplugged Against the Haters. Watch & Share:
Another logical conclusion: #CNN kills, #NBC kills, the CNN-NBC supporting-parroting left: Kill, far more than any virus or flu.
... This is a divide between a works envisioned-planned by a few evil Neoliberal Globalists, and their sheeple followers, and those against it. Pure and simple. No ifs or nuts about it.
Meant “world” not works ...
You know what is really telling? In this 2 divided world the ignorant neoliberals have chosen to follow the path led by the likes of #Gates #Soros #Rockefeller #Kissinger ... and their billions of dollars. That leaves the other camp with only the weapon of their conviction
This intense divide along wearing or not wearing mask is symbolic; much more above and beyond #mask. It is the clash between pro-authoritarianism & liberty-minded; its the clash between NWO-Liberalism & Anti-Police State; It symbolizes too big of a divide & differences
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