~Our times~
Not kdram related but i swear you'll regret it if you didn't watch this movie..

P.S. A little bit spoiler but you must see the end of this thread!

<<a thread<<
In the beginning, I thought the person who believes in chain letters was either an idiot (a fool?) or an idiot. But later, I realized that she’s simply a very kind person.
That’s why I wanted to know her. I was serious.
I thought chasing girls was that simple.
Later, I realized if you really like someone, you might not even notice it.
I was actually nervous that day.
I have to thank that car. The moment i held her in my arm, I realized that never knew my heart... can beat so fast.
I didn't want her to misunderstand.
But somehow, at the end of that day , she didn't seem happy.
When you like someone and see her walk to someone she likes,
You'd suddenly realize that you treat her badly just because you want to get a bit closer to her.
You'll keep every word she said in mind (1)
I didn't know that when I'm in love, I actually have no courage to tell her.

On that night, I made a wish upon a shooting star. I wish I was also in her wish even if I know it's someone else who could make her happy.
Sometimes, she still pretends to be okay even when she feels very sad.

Spending 5 minutes to deciding what to have before choosing the same old raddish cake.

She doesn't watch where she's going. Please watch her at all times.
She wants to go to Taiwan University, but she's really bad at math.
She likes roller skating, loves Stephen Chow's films.

She... Likes you very much
>>end of thread>>

Why must watch this movie??
- The plot is great 11/10
- The characters
- Truly Lin (main actress) is a fangirl too
- It will take you back in time

I hope ya'll watch this movie is great you wont regret it.

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