1) Dear Nileshbhai,

While the idea is good, the biggest hurdle is the centralization of physical gold thereby losing individual sovereignty and ability to resist government control.

@NileshShah68 https://twitter.com/nileshshah68/status/1264907053342109703
2) Contrary to general consensus, blockchains are slow and inefficient. Permissioned/centralized ‘blockchains’ don’t actually require blockchains. A spreadsheet/database would do. https://twitter.com/nbalajiv/status/1046027342873690112
3) Besides, centralized blockchain under government custody means politicians can ‘mine’ their own ‘GoldCoin’. Because.. sure why not. Lol. 😂
4) Just like Emperors and Kings, governments cannot resist the temptation to devaluation/debasement.

- Roman Emperor Nero reduced gold in Aureus coin from 8 to 7.2 grams
- King Henry VIII reduced silver component in coins from 92% to 25%
- Nixon abolished the gold standard
5) Digital debasement by rulers is what will happen in this scenario.

Year 0:
1 ‘GoldCoin crypto’ = 1 gram of gold

Year 10:
10 ‘GoldCoin crypto’ = 1 gram of gold
6) Better option would be for Indian citizens to embrace a decentralized option like #Bitcoin to act as a possible hedge against misadventures of Central Banks around the world. Kotak could start providing the banking infra like JP Morgan in US.

8) #Btc is associated with terms like ‘scam’, ‘fraud’, ‘bubble’ etc. Most laughable being ‘fake volumes’, ‘wash trading’ etc. Like as if most Indian stocks are free of manipulation. 😬 Every asset class has its set of bad actors. That doesn’t mean one ignores it completely https://twitter.com/nbalajiv/status/1259837428916862976
9) A dated thread on this subject cc: @chokhani_manish https://twitter.com/nbalajiv/status/963757267035209728
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