Inspired by @_Masterseye’s #ThreeThings and @19syllables’s recent thread, I’m going to start a thread of things that have made me smile!

It’s mainly to remind me that everything isn’t a pile of shit and there’s still a lot of wonder around. Do join in if it’ll help you too!
For a start, I’ve just been for a run and ran under a rose that was dropping heart shaped petals
We’ve got M a duvet and pillow set, which is providing a lot of joy! In how cute she looks in her little pyjamas, in how she snuggles into a soft nest when we first put her down...and in how she always falls asleep in a somewhat unorthodox position!
Macaroni cheese will never not make me smile!
Catching sight of myself in a shop window and realising that I am accidentally wearing a spotty mask and dress. Could have been an intentional style choice; actually a coincidence!
Toddler sunglasses 💜
Cocktail experiments - today, a mint julep!
Early finishes and Ruby Magnums
Finally finding a home for the origami vulva that @19syllables gave us years ago!!
Evenings sat outside watching the clear sky and waiting for the ISS ❤️
My sister is teaching herself calligraphy and occasionally sends cards as an excuse to practise. They always makes me smile!
Adventures with our girl ❤️ Today, we went to Narnia!
There may not be any Wimbledon this year but I can still enjoy strawberries and cream with a glass of rosé on sunny evening!
Making elderflower cordial!

(Although that might only make me smile so much because of this post...
This girl. This girl makes me so happy 💜

(And how tolerance is Catsy?!)
M learning how much fun it is to shout YIPPEEE at the top of her voice, while jumping into the air!
This dead stick of a tomato plant coming back to life!!
M does many, many things that makes me happy but today’s winner is how she loves to draw worms! Sitting on the ground, shouting ‘WORM!’ with every stroke of the chalk ❤️ (I drew the spider!)
Bramble cocktail made with foraged blackberries!
Also, having a brother-in-law who is a chef and can make magic out of leftovers. That is definitely something that makes me happy!
M wanted to read another book before bed. She was found a few minutes later, fast asleep, still under her book.

Oh, my heart ❤️
I’m resurrecting this thread as the world is still on fire and I again want (need?) to remind myself of all of the wonderful and happy bits ❤️

So for today - a spontaneous and unprompted reenactment of King Kong by M and Monkey!
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