i thought about stopping, giving up you know, because i really did not know where to go after all these revelations and moments of paranoias, maybe i should keep my fucking mouth shut and maybe i'll delete that account later on, just i wanna feel like i'm actually breathing.
i wanted to give up because art as a whole is about creating something yes for yourself but also for art, in order to people to see themselves in those pieces of art to find guidance / answers to their own problems in their life and i did not understand that.
everyone keeps opening their mouth about how the art they do is for themselves and it should, it works for introspection matters, the work i've done as SET has literally been that, there's a progression that shows in my songs in terms of mentality -
- from negative to completely indifferent.
but at some point you should have in mind the minds of the people you're touching with your art, it's a very complex thing to have in mind while you're working, because you have to design the art for you but also for the others.
art is about the message, it's about the substance it has.
you can use everything as long as it helps people (that are sensitive to the subjects you're treating) and that you have a fucking blast creating it, producing creative music is great but if there's nothing behind it -
then it's just a feel good product that is made to surprise you and have fucking dopamine hits.
small clarification, what i mean when it's supposed to help people :
you should have confidence in yourself and in your message it's supposed to be valid, art is a tool of power, on a grand scale, it complements itself with politics and even religion.
if you compare most mainstream artists music, most have the same themes, men and women and the relationship between them is a good example, we have an huge issue in the western world with marriage, it's all about hooking up now, music reflects those problems too -
- that idea about finding the one and whatnot, it's in every goddamn fucking pop songs and that's what people listen to, it influences the people it kind of makes them complacent because the music they listen to makes them feel good, and they're conditioned by a specific way of -
- thinking in the first place, it's a complement to our issues.

art is used to make us feel and not think anymore, it's part of the doctrine system and i'm pretty sure most of these big artists that reflects the weak state of mind on their art that we now have, aren't innocent.
the conception of these songs are the same as any other type of art really, the only difference is the intent
that's the difference between art that is designed for making you grow and art that is keeping you in check.

it's creativity, yes, it's fun to do yes.

but -
- it's a power.

it can change you.
what i did, are like attacks to someone i used to know, they're supposed to be a phantasm, as if i had power, and to canalize that energy and those ideas into some energetic music it helped me calm down and understand what i'm supposed to think about my situation.
there's no glorification, what i do is ugly as hell at best i consider it more of a training for next pieces of art as giarzaël, the texts i've wrote in the descriptions of the last ep songs, the conception comes from the same idea as how i made the music.
if it's about you, at least make sure it means something to you and that it'll help you.

don't lose yourself in negative feelings in the pretext of a fucking branding, move on from things.

it's the road you're travelling and that you're painting at the same time.
shit i feel like talking to myself lmao damn
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