Me to Bartleby: I think there's something in the basement. Go get it!

Bartleby: Brrrrrow?

*Kara lets 20-year-old Hunter to the basement; three hours later, three dead voles are laid out on the top step.*
Hunter may be old and blind; Hunter may piss on things he's not supposed to. But Hunter is a bloody great cat!
And Hunter's a fuckin' animal! Hunter is blind and kills all the things!

Hunter is also the most loving hunter-bear that's ever lived. I went outside to bury his kills, walked back into the house, and he jumped right up into my arms and nuzzled my face.
He even leaned far back, his eyes full of cataracts, to look back at the other cats.

He's truly an amazing cat.
There's a hierarchy here, and Hunter has always gotten it. It's why he stood guard over my rats when I kept them and has stood guard over my birds.
I'm the alpha. Hunter knows it and works it. Hunter doesn't kill pet rats. Hunter doesn't kill pet birds. Hunter kills all the other things and keeps the other things in line. Hunter gets better food and endless cuddles.
I'm terrified of the day that Hunter dies.

Gonzo has never been without Hunter and is extremely amenable to suggestion. Y'know when some of you helped pay to get Gonzo get better? He yowled for 2 days straight until I brought Hunter in to see him.
I brought him in because Gonzo wasn't doing any better and I assumed he'd die. I wanted him to see his best bro before he died.

He saw Hunter and perked right up. (So did Hunter, who had been running around my house wailing for 2 days.)
They're not just stupid animals. They make connections with people and with other animals.
My ex and I were set to adopt ONE cat. He connected with Hunter and I connected with Gonzo. We realized they'd come in to the Humane Society together and adopted both boys.
Hunter--the one I hadn't initially connected with--quickly became "mine." Our connection became exceptionally strong. His connection with Gonzo had always been strong. When my ex and I separated, how to separate the cats was the least of our worries.
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