Okay, so to top today off, my mum (a nursing assistant who is believed by her GP to have caught COVID once already during this whole thing) has come home from work today feeling rotten. She’s taken her temperature three times since coming home and it keeps going up and ho
Today was an extra stressful day too, because today they sent her onto the COVID ward, and as there is still not enough and because isn’t a direct nurse, she was given no PPE whatsoever. None. She was surrounding by positive and suspected positive patients with no protection.
There is also the fact that due to the shortage, halfway through the day she was sent to another hospital. My mum doesn’t drive, so my dad had to pick her up and take her to this other hospital. My dad is 72, and a lifelong smoker.
After all this, she’s come home feeling rotten, and her temperature rising and rising. And she can’t say anything herself because nurses and doctors have been told not to say too much online, or it will mean their jobs. This is how this is being handled. This is the true face of
The Tory governments support of the NHS. They tell you to clap, meanwhile they do nothing to actually help. And their top advisors swan around, ignoring the rules because they know better than to follow them, it seems.

This is why I’m enraged.

Hell, I’ll probably have to -
Delete this thread soon so as not to risk getting my mum in trouble. But for the brief time it’s out there and for my friends to know what’s going on : this is the face of things right now. Not weeks ago. Right. Now.
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