Is the Netflix Original Devilman Crybaby good? (a thread) ((SPOILERS))
The Netflix adaptation of Devilman Crybaby is very interesting. It is based off of the manga: Devilman by Go Nagai. Akira, the main character, is shown as someone who cries for others and gets upset easily. He lives with his friend, Miki, and her family.
Akira’s childhood friend, Ryo, takes Akira to a sabbath rave explaining on the way that devils are soon to emerge again. When they arrive to the sabbath, devils show up and start arising from humans. There a devil possesses Akira all the while being filmed by Ryo
Akira becomes a devil, but one thing that differs him from a devil is the fact that he has the heart of a man, therefore giving him the title name: Devilman. After becoming Devilman his appearance and abilities are enhanced
Now that we know what Devilman Crybaby is about, I’m going to explain why it’s so interesting to me. If you don’t like nudity or sex scenes, you might not like this show as this show is full of it. Devilman crybaby is very emotional, so I’ll try not to get too spoilery 😅
Devilman crybaby is unique and different. The animation is unlike any other I’ve ever seen. So if you like animation, like me, you might find this show to be eye candy. Something interesting about this adaptation is the surprising focus on characters who weren’t important before
Devilman Crybaby isn’t afraid of death and betrayal and giving viewers the feels. The first time I watched Devilman Crybaby I was shocked, I binged the entire show in one night and found my self sobbing at 3 am. The development each character goes through is so raw and lifelike
The music in Devilman crybaby will bring tears to your eyes, the animation is velvety and unique, the writing, plot and development of characters is just praise worthy. Devilman crybaby is worth a watch in my opinion. The show consists of 12 episodes, and 27 to 25 minutes each.
A show definitely worth watching
#DevilmanCrybaby #Spoilers

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