There’s a bit of weird chat about Mr. Cummings not apologising because he had nothing to apologise for.

People, au contraire, let me explain, the great and glorious art of the apology.
An apology is a beautiful thing. It is a key component in the secret sauce of life.

And why?

Because, mysteriously, apologies are as rare as summer snowdrops.
I have always found this curious absence of sorryness very surprising because I, personally, tend to be in a constant state of feeling sorry for numerous things.

(NB you’ll note I’m not Prime Minister)
Like the legendary Phoenix, it is this rareness that lends the apology its extraordinary power to cost ratio.

An apology can have huge impact (ie flames) at little cost (ie ashes).
Let us return to the Cummings Affaire.

I entirely understand he does not feel he should apologise for doing what he considered to be the right thing for his family.

(NB here I extend the dove of mercy)
But this level of apology is but a minor star in the constellation of sorryness.

If you will, a pit stop on the way to Barnard castle.
Like Mr Johnson, Robin to Mr Cummings’ Batman (or maybe even the butler Alfred), later did, he might have apologised for the the pain etc he has inadvertently caused others.
Or he might have apologised for the absolutely lousy comms operation that transformed an unpleasant mess into a political crisis.
Or he might have apologised to his colleagues for having to go out to defend him. Poor old Grant Shapps springs to mind.
Or he might have apologised to the PM, his notional boss, for having to take a huge amount of time out of his schedule to defend him, a political advisor.
Or he might have apologised to the police or anyone else forced to deal with the consequences of any confusion he has caused regarding the lockdown.
He might have apologised to everyone for having become a time wasting distraction during a public health emergency.
But, apologise he did not. Not even close. Instead, he blamed the media.

If for nothing else, he should resign for the extraordinary lack of self awareness of having no apology to give.

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