@maro254 this is disgusting you guys are the company have taken to Banning people for exposing the fact that cheating was happening at a company level where you guys were literally smuggling information to your hand selected people
The player you guys band was absolutely in the right here and 100% on the side of the player base. @Wizards band bass player for exposing the fact that magic the Gathering employees were cheating by smuggling information about tournaments to selected players ahead of time.
The only problem that occurred here is that magic the Gathering at a corporate level what does smuggling information that would give an advantage to their own players in the MPL. You guys for the ones cheating and now you're mad you got caught.
MTL members were being given a clear and distinct Advantage essentially being able to cheat whilst regular players we're being restricted information necessary for them to put up if they're showing. How twisted and backwards is it for you to punish a player who was literally.
I'm doing a problem @Wizards had created. If the MPL are being brokered extra information in order to give them an unfair advantage and competitive play, this is something we as players should know. You have literally been somebody giving out information which
@Wizards should have been responsible for providing in the first place. It's one 4 wizards to actively help the MPL cheat, but another thing entirely for you to punish innocent players for exposing your own apocracy.
@maro254 @Wizards I love this game I have for literally 20 years but I refuse to purchase cards from a company who will punish players for attempting to create an even playing field. If I was interested in rigged games I would join the Globetrotters
If @Wizards can't figure out how to run a company that doesn't hate its player base, then it won't have a player base for very long. This holiday season my nieces and nephews will all be getting Pokemon products if this doesn't change.
@Wizards @Hasbro @maro254 fix this save our game and act like you actually care about the players. Magic is the best game in the world run by the worst company and you continue to prove his platitude true through your actions
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