I just moved a motion for a Parliamentary Debate on the Situation in Hong Kong. Watch the debate live on my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MPGenuis/videos/244450380335986/ Key points will be live-tweeted here. #StandWithHongKong #cdnpoli
I want to particularly thank Friends of Hong Kong-Edmonton for making & delivering a large quantity of masks to my constituency. Asian Canadians were also among the first to call for a stronger response to this pandemic. We should have listened. #shpk #fortsask #HongKong #cdnpoli
Two seemingly opposite evils (xenophobia & Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-support) can have a similar intellectual root – the effort to associate Chinese people, culture & values with the political system of their oppressors. #cdnpoli #StandforHK
It is no contradiction, in fact it is quite a natural combination, to both love China & to hate communism. #cdnpoli
#HongKongers have given so much to defend their freedoms, yes because these freedoms were promised in the Sino-British Joint Declaration, but also because these freedoms accord deeply with China’s own history, culture & values. #cdnpoli #StandWithHongKong
When extremists on both sides of the spectrum try to conflate China with the darkness of communism, the reality of #HongKong & its defense of its freedom shines its beacon of light to prove them wrong. #cdnpoli #StandWithHongKong
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is trying to use this pandemic – a pandemic of their own making, to snuff out Hong Kong’s light. To suppress this great city & thus to hide the desire of Hong Kongers and of all Chinese people to be free. #cdnpoli #StandWithHongKong
Imposed-from-Beijing measures contain no limitations on the ability of the CCP to invoke national security as an excuse to pursue whatever arbitrary measures they want. This new law imposes a de facto single system on the whole of China, decisively ending Hong Kong’s freedom.
A recent article in Chinese state media openly declares that Jimmy Lai could be prosecuted for pro-democracy tweets under this new security law. They are making up crimes in order to persecute those who they have already arrested. #cdnpoli #StandWithHK
Freedom is more contagious than any virus. When people have it, they don’t want to give it up. When they see others have it, they want it for themselves. #HongKong reminds us that China, in all its beauty & complexity, is made up of women & men who desire & who deserve freedom.
Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau simply called for “de-escalation of tensions & genuine dialogue”. It is disgraceful that we have such a mealy-mouthed response from the gov on a clear cut moral issue which also involves the clear violation of international law. #cdnpoli #StandWithHK
There is no honour in trying to play the disinterested & neutral broker between the oppressor & the oppressed – there is only honour in championing the cause of the oppressed & working to advance the cause of justice. #cdnpoli #StandWithHK #StandWithHongKong
We need to resume meetings of the Special Committee on Canada-China Relations asap. This gov opposed the creation of that committee, but all opposition stood together to advance what was right. At this perilous time for #HongKong & the whole world, we must do so again. #cdnpoli
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