The resting place of the great scholar, Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani in Egypt.

Although he is known as the Leader of the Believers in the Science of Hadith, the great Imam had a very humble start. He lost his mother and father when he was a young child. The responsibility of...
...raising him was thus given to his older sister. He would say, "She was like my second mother."

He memorised Surah Maryam in a day and had memorised the entire Qur'an by the age of 9. Imam Ibn Hajar studied with 53 female scholars and wrote the most renowned commentary on...
...Sahih al-Bukhari. It's amazing that Imam al-Bukhari was raised by his mother and Ibn Hajar was raised by his sister. How indebted is this nation to women? On the day he passed away - over 50,000 people attended his janazah and even the Christians wept out of sadness.
He was known for his intense love of the Messenger ﷺ. He states;

"O the Master of the Messengers ﷺ, whose way encompasses the perfection of virtue... intercede for the one who praises you. By your means, he seeks protection from the calamity of the Last Day and the Punishment"
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