i just want to remind people that veganism and other sustainable lifestyle choices do not have to be all or nothing. its okay to just cut out what you can! youre doing more than most people! every1 eating 1/2 as much meat makes the same impact as 1/2 the population eating no meat
i hate the idea that people who aren’t fully vegan, or people who buy fast fashion *sometimes* aren’t doing enough. we can’t keep blaming individual people for the ethical/environmental problems of capitalism!
i know so many people who go “I want to be vegan but I just can’t go without cheese!” and it’s like,,,that’s okay! do the rest!! you don’t have to go all the way to make an impact
i for one have cut out dairy and meat where I can but I still eat meat when other people offer it! and I eat fish and eggs! even if people cut their meat consumption by, say, 10%, that is a HUGE hit to the meat industry. don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t doing enough
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