Discernment is not something that happens on the level of the physical plane. You don’t try to discern through someone’s actions, behaviors, what they say, do or don’t do. It’s energetic. In order to discern you have to look at their energy. This means trusting your intuition.
If someone says, if you love me you should continue to pour into me and if you expect something in return it’s because you think love is transactional. What does your gut say?
Your gut may actually say that feels aligned for me at this time. If so that’s great, for you. Don’t assume that means it’s a universal law for everyone else to conform to. It may just be what your soul is up to for now. You will only know if you actually tune in for yourself
If you are listening to your gut and then the time comes where you are meant to step away from that particular dynamic in relationships you will also know when it’s time. And you will be shown that it’s no longer serving you.
The reason I don’t really get into philosophical debates is because I know that we are all in different places in our journey. Some things will make sense at one point on our path and not at another. It’s all valid.
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