3 weeks into Mayor’s announcement of a “Tenderloin plan” to media, things have worsened, little has happened or changed in TL/Civic Center. No progress or clear goals. More homelessness, dirtier, more dangerous, bigger groups. Where’s urgency and support? It looks like a war zone
As far as I understand the “point person” on the plan hasn’t even started yet. No substantive partnership or input from residents or businesses. Whoever wrote front page articles about this “plan”, should probably do a follow up and talk to actual people in the neighborhood.
7 weeks ago we sent a letter outlining clearly what we need. Resolutions, legislation, hearings, op-eds, daily questions and calls to the EOC. The Emergency Operations Center has all the power and resources they need to do this, it has not been a priority. Just tell the truth.
Just received this email from a TL business owner: “I am pretty sure none of this is news but the situation in the TL has done nothing but get worse over the past few months. We have 18 tents and structures in Cedar Alley with new ones popping up every few days...”
“There is garbage, waste and filth up and down the alley and also up and down Larkin Street. As we start to look at the potential to re-open I have deeper concerns than ever. I am accosted pretty much daily and feel that things are only getting worse...”
“I have to report to the Health Department with my plans for safe distancing for my customers and staff, have to work to source extra masks, sanitizer and more with zero support from anyone and am working endlessly to try to remove waste and garbage from the street.”
“I am killing myself, risking my health to try to keep my doors open, my staff employed and am trying to figure out why I bother when our city seems to care nothing for these efforts.”
“ I have seen what was put together by the city and find it woefully inadequate. There is no timeline, no guidance or support for merchants and all it seems to do is allow more and more of this street living with total disregard for residents and merchants.”
“I have been physically harassed, pushed and hit. The police dont come. I have to receive at our other stores and have my staff bring our supplies to Larkin. How this is happening is beyond me. If ever there was a time to have our streets safe and clear it is now.”
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