ANXIETY QUIZ! Pick the worse one.
Which makes you more anxious?
Pick the one that makes you feel more nervous.
Which is more anxiety inducing?
Making an request you know is going to be met with disapproval and little understanding, and making it from....
Which is worse?
Fixed term work contract: you're in a very long trial period and must keep an eye open for other jobs in case you don't get renewed.

Permanent work contract: if you don't get fired you're stuck there forever.

Pick the worse one.
In rented accommodation you have little to no responsibility for the infrastructure, but you can get kicked out any time.

In your own property you have the security of knowing that you either pay to get stuff fixed or live with it forever.

What's worse?
Bonus phone call one! Which is worse... an UNEXPECTED incoming from...
Someone disapproved of sth you did at work.

If asked to explain, you're out on the spot to justify yourself.

If they "don't want a discussion, just do better next time" you get no chance to explain your reasoning why you didn't think you did anything wrong.

Which is worse?
That's it - your boss has actually fired you! What makes you more anxious?

Paying the bills on unemployment

At the next job, having to go through the whole process AGAIN of having to hide your identity, faking enthusiasm and covering overtime for all the parents?
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