Soul work ain’t pretty and it don’t feel good. Soul work is not waiting for a savior to come save you from your situation. Soul work is journals, sleepless nights, ugly face tears, tantrums, a lot of introspection and self realization. Soul work ain’t just eating green veggies-
and going vegan. It’s taking inventory over your life and removing everything that does not serve your highest good. Soul work is realizing that you ugly. Soul work will make you say I’m sorry instead of “it ain’t my fault”. Soul work is forgiving others and yourself as well—
Soul work is when u understand that everything that comes into your life is because you allowed it, asked for it or gave it permission to be there in some shape or form. Soul work is realizing that yo ish stinks just like everybody else’s and that wearing a mask to please others
only adds to your own dissatisfaction with YOURSELF. Soul work is when you are so focused on fixing you that you don’t have time to invest in other people’s problems. Don’t let all this love and light and yoga poses on Facebook fool you. That ain’t the half of it.
Soul work will make you be quiet instead of always having something to say. It always brings YOU back to YOU. It’s understanding that everything you need is inside of you. Not outside of you. Not in a building. Not in a person. Not on tv. Not in your kids.
Nobody can save you from you. So, if you have a mirror in your house. Use it.
You can follow @ohyesitseve.
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