First round of gif below
Carnivale fun for @Gaygoyles, pt 1,
Ft. Bridgens wearing, of course, a Greek Tragedy mask
More Carnivale fun
More Carnivale fun, ft. Singing Angel
More Carnivale fun, ft actual real life angels fucking look at them WOW
One of these things is not like the other three
Ice bucket challenge!!!
"Oh Death, whare is thy sting, the grave at Comfort Cove for who has any doubt now...the dyer sad."
"What if.... I set fire to everything!?"
Like father like son
"You were told not to speculate!"
"Move, lads. Out of the way."
Charles Des Voeux, ready to kick some capuchin ass
Jaw clench for @jbgyllen
Din dins for @fanfie1991
I :)
Am :)
Not :)
Okay :)

Gifs you can hear
Babies đŸ˜­â€ïž
Right, that's it for now, more to follow later, including hugs and nor'west passage
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