We use @ipums ATUS data to test whether Blacks have greater number of contacts compared to other racial/ethnic groups. We wanted to see if diff in number of contacts might contribute to the racial disparities in #COVID19 hospitalization rates that have been documented.
To our ( @aparna_ramen @SwansonRobles) surprise, Non-Hispanic Blacks had the lowest number of household member contacts and shortest duration of social contacts with household members when compared to other groups. #COVID19 2/n
Non-Hispanic Blacks also had the shortest duration of social contacts when we pooled data from all locations. ( @ipums ATUS data does not let us analyze # of contacts outside the home)
This means that the number and duration of social contacts are not likely responsible for #COVID19 black-white racial disparities; however types of contacts may matter.
4/n @minnpop @ipums #timeuse
We will be updating our working paper with all of these results and much more soon. http://www.audreydorelien.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/ATUS_social_contact_latest.pdf
You can follow @AudreyDorelien.
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