I have some news to share today.

from Sametab → to http://Pulse.so 

[A thread]
The premise is that most teams today heavily favor sync > async communication.

However, great written communication (as opposed to chat) is an underrated predictor. Because how a team communicates is how a team works.

By observing how a team communicates you can get a sense of

- how the team operates & its speed of execution
- the level of inter and intra-team alignment
- quality of thinking of individual contributors & the system as a whole
- team's real motivations
- robust/weak nodes

High-quality written communication creates over time a form of collective intelligence, but neither sync comms (too fast) or wikis (too slow) can capture it with success.

As a result, this collective knowledge is buried across thousands of independent inboxes, glued together with confusing mailing lists.

A year and a half ago, when @antoangelino and I, sat down to find a way to help modern teams succeed through great written communication, this seemed impossible.

Fortunately, at that time @maccaw shared an internal product @clearbit.


That gave us the initial hook we were looking for. 1 week later we built the first version of Sametab. 2 w later we closed our 1st customer. 3 w later we founded Sametab.

It was a great wedge that we used to gain initial adoption & explore the problem with real customers.

After months of work, we're glad to introduce our renewed focus and http://pulse.so :

A platform designed to empowers modern teams to stay aligned through long-form updates across projects, processes, decisions, strategy, and more.

Pulse has one goal: maximize inter/intra-team alignment on what matters.

Designed for

- global/team/squad announcements
- project proposals
- internal request for comments
- strategy memos
- etc.

It's that intermediate velocity between chat (too fast) and wiki (too slow).
We based Pulse upon three fundamentals:

1\\ Permanence – permanent/immutable records in a permanent place.
2\\ Search – not an afterthought. fast, advanced, granular.
3\\ Reference – backtracking & bidirectional links

Nowadays, sync tools are great, but there aren't yet many great async options that start from this premise.

We need async tools beyond email or forums.

We need better ways for teams to express their best thinking.

We need better ways to stay aligned on what matters.

And that's what Pulse stands for.

If you want to try it -> http://pulse.so/signup 
If you want to stay in the loop -> @getthepulse
If you want to chat/connect -> DMs are open

You can follow @leonardofed.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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