1. OK, so let me see if I followed this from what #DominicCummngs said

His wife displayed no #COVID19 symptoms, but felt sick.

He worried both of them would be so sick they couldn't look after their child.

They know no one in London that could help them.
2 He decided without any external advice to drive 260 miles to the family farm.

He did not stop anywhere. No toilet breaks for the 4 yr old

When they decided to go back to London he sought medical advice - but didn't ask about his eyesight.
3. He was worried about his eyesight and ability to drive so test if he could drive he put his 4 year old and wife in the car and drove for half an hour to Barnard Castle

When he got to Barnard Castle he felt so sick that he had to get out of the car and sit by the river.
4. Despite feeling that sick he decided that he was good to drive the 260 miles back to London

On the drive back from Bernard Castle his son needed the toilet. They stopped. All of them got out and they played some games - It is a 30 minute trip
5 They then drove 260 miles without stopping - or if they did, just to get petrol. His no toilet stops on a 5 (?) hour drive.

There are a couple of questions:

One reason he didn't want to stay in London was because he felt threatened. Had he reported that to the police?
6 If he reported to the police that he was so afraid he didn't want to stay in his house, what did they do?

Does he now feel safe to stay in his house? What has changed?
7 At no point did he think of asking his wife to drive - instead of he tested his ability to drive by going for a drive. Is that because she can not drive?

Did his wife ever display covid symptoms?
8 Did they decide to hold the press conference after a witness went to the police about seeing him at Bernard Castle and after the Police and Crime Commissioner asked the police to investigate including potential looking at ANPR records?
9 There still seem to be some questions and issues with this account.
10 - update. Apparently Cummings wife can drive. Why didn't she - rather than him when she was so concerned with his ability to drive?
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