proships: you may have seen these posts floating around. they're from our side. we need to do something about it, now. we are a community who shun threats of violence and harassment - we cannot allow this trend of both to continue. because this isn't isolated. there are more.
"but tox, i'm not responsible for what other people do," you say. and you're right. so what do we do?

we push back.

we need to make our message clear - that being pro-fiction is about NOT harassing people, NOT making threats, NOT being violent.
we need these outliers to know they're just that - outliers. and hope, with a little education, that they realize they're doing more harm than good. they've adopted the label, and we can't just say they're not one of us; the call is coming from inside the house.
pro-ship, pro-fiction, anti-anti, whatever we are - we are not bullies. the whole point of being on the other side of fanpols is to not be like them. when you say things like this, you support their rhetoric; you agree that violence gets results.

don't be that person.
so proships, here's my suggestion. be educational. be kind. if it gets too heated, don't engage, just block. express empathy, not vitriol.

and below this thread, tell me about the positive change you've seen in your own life from adopting proship rhetoric.
i'll start:

i'm accepting of everybody now. the proship community made me realize that people's personal identities don't have any effect on me. i broke out of years of truscum conditioning to become the person i am today, thanks to proshippers and their community.
furthermore, i've become a head mod for fanexus, a project i truly believe in. i never would have gotten the part if i hadn't gotten on board with all this.

what has being proship done for you?
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