exo as types of skyrim players:
- character: dunmer
- follower: mjoll the lioness
- puts up with aerin’s annoying ass because he loves mjoll sm
- picks up useless items because wants to “sell them”
- always over encumbered
- wants to read every book he finds
- tries so hard but still gains bounty
- character: bosmer
- follower: j’zargo
- carries a bow as his only weapon
- made his archery perk legendary
- wants to destroy the thieves guild(???)
- wears elven armour and his character’s aesthetic is very important
- gets jumpy when a giant approaches
- character: khajiit
- follower: aela the huntress
- refused to kill barbas
- turned into a werewolf and has never looked back since
- likes to mess around with the wabbajack
- never fast travels and takes hours scaling mountains
- stares at his follower for no reason
- character: altmer
- follower: meeko
- levelled alchemy pretty high
- bought vlindrel hall in markarth because “the sight is so pretty”
- doesn’t want a follower just meeko to keep him company
- sanguine rose >>>>
- staff in one hand, destruction spell in the other
- character: orsimer
- follower: serana
- constantly simping for serana
- forgets he can use potions
- fights with two-handed weapons and the mace of molag bal
- never finishes a quest and always gets distracted by caves and mines
- accepts every brawl opportunity
- character: argonian
- follower: cicero
- wants to change character because the tail is annoying
- got lost in blackreach
- fights with 2 falmer swords
- levelled pickpocketing and sneaking to 100
- wears the amulet of mara because he wants to hear men take interest in him
- character: redguard
- follower: teldryn sero
- poisons his weapons
- wears miraak’s amour after he defeated him
- joined the dark brotherhood first chance he got
- keeps a trophy room
- sacrificed lydia for the boethiah’s calling quest
- character: breton
- follower: jenassa
- couldn’t bring himself to kill paarthurnax
- took a whole day to build lakeview manor in falkreath
- scared of the draugr
- runs away instead of fighting the dragons
- asks his spouse for money and homecooked meals and then dips
- character: imperial
- follower: farkas
- picked farkas because he was nice to him
- never travels at night and lets his character sleep for 8 hours
- carries x100 bone meals and linen wraps for no reason
- always steps on pressure plates
- got lost in the ratway
end of thread j’zargo best follower mwah mwah stream candy
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