After watching both the 1972 and 2013 versions of Carrie, I concede that there's parts of both that I prefer over the other. I guess I'll dedicate this thread to that. Here goes...
Starting with the choice of actress, @ChloeGMoretz did a great job with the role and gets props from me for the more emotional scenes. In 2013 she also had the 'Tom Holland' effect of being younger-looking than Sissy Spacek, which increased the believability....
*However*, my personal opinion is that Ms. Moretz is too conventionally attractive than the role would suggest. I think a little more roughage with make-up would have worked, but it's such a small thing that I don't think it's worth complaining about.
Many of the lines between both films are copied verbatim or adjusted with more natural, overlapping dialogue. I stress that I think this is a good thing, because the original got the script right. The enhanced dialogue in the 2013 movie is exactly what it should be, an update.
One of the biggest things in the original movie I would have LOVED to see in the 2013 version is the car flip towards the end. While I was satisfied with Chris's death in the new movie, the car flip from 1972 looks so badass.
I think it was a good decision to not have the principal killed by electrocution in the remake, as it's more likely to look cheesy. I also think that the remake had an opportunity to alter Tommy's death scene into something more believable, like a falling stage light, but didn't.
Carrie's more sympathetic attitude in the remake works really well, and I cried as she pleaded with Sue Snell to help her get her mom back. Ms. Moretz's performance really helps sell the idea that Carrie doesn't want any of this, and you just want to reach through the TV and help
I might add to this thread since I'm gonna rewatch the remake today, so yeah.
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