Ok, some people have asked what’s wrong with this @existentialcoms tweet shown here... I will try to briefly explain
First, it presents itself as if it’s a principled abstract complaint about our concept of free speech, when really it’s a complaint about media and politicians not having the “right” opinions.
The existence of an Overton Window does not invalidate the concept of free speech. Overton Windows will always exist. Here can be sure that the author wouldn’t think there isn’t free speech because we don’t have debates between “Monarchy and Democracy”
Here we should note that intelligent reactionaries don’t complain about the fact that their preferred ideas are outside of the Overton window but that the Cathedral (the manager of that window) is moving it in the wrong direction with relation to observed evidence.
Which brings me to my next problem with this tweet. It’s dated and stale Noam Chomsky platitudes from the 1990s.
Now in the late 80s early 90s these complaint about a narrow Overton window around neo liberalism was somewhat justified (end of history and all that) but this is obviously not the case in 2020.
"Capitalism versus Socialism" was and is a staple of HS and college debate. Which is why almost all college students immediately default to "SOCIALISM" when they sense there is something wrong with the status quo economic system, they have little concept of any other option.
And even though "Capitalism" is much too vague for a policy debate, what part of "Capitalism" isn't part of the policy debate. A major presidential candidate is a socialist and we are talking about nationalizing a HUGE sector of our economy.
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