To be honest, I don't really know how I started being deep into this fandom (I do know how it began); none of my friends really stanned/listened to them, my few relatives (who listen to kpop) are more into mainstream k-music, and my very little family seem to be repulsed ++
++ by my song choices HAHA. After I listened to 'congratulations' and 'you were beautiful', I just can't not be captivated by their music. I love how their songs are a reflection of life; of love, of friendships, of family, of sad and happy and even mundane moments. ++
++ Everything is raw and affectionate that some of their songs drive me to tears until my head ached. No group has ever made me feel that way but Day6. It might seem a bad thing, but really, they provided me solace when I feel there is none. Some bar I can hold and cling onto. ++
++ Their music seems to me like a promise. A promise that things will fall where they should be in their right time. In my time being a MyDay, this promise continues to grow along the wave of their new music that offers something new but also something familiar and nostalgic. ++
++ I'd forever be invested into this fandom no matter what, I have realized. Apart from the great music, the community the fandom had built over the years is just as amazing. People are warm, welcoming, just fantastic really. In fact, I had made quite a lot of friends over ++
++ this platform. We share memes HAHAHA, photos, stories, exchanges, etc. But what truly amazes me the most is the ability of everyone to feel connected and close, of course by the music, but also by some sort of pull that creates its own magic ++
++ With this, I am very thankful for everybody I have ever met (and will meet) in here and making my explosive fan self feel welcomed. These are my reasons for becoming a MyDay, some of which might appear superficial, but indeed are what keeps me ever rooted. I look forward to ++
++ the future where each of us enjoys more of Day6's music and the experience of it, continuing this amazing fan culture we continue to share and connect onto.

@iamlejaend @ainseocat
(I just realized how long this (and how I'm making it longer for adding more to this thread rn) is and I'm sorry! I just needed an avenue to express my thoughts and emotions so here it is 😔✊)
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