In the taxonomy of @KlingBlog, liberals see the world as oppressors vs. oppressed and conservatives see it as barbarians vs. civilization. The D's and R's have embraced these lenses with a vengeance. This would seem to create an opening for a third party. Not 1/n
the libertarians who see the world as freedom vs. coercion, (which is my choice but which struggles to attract a bigger audience) but a pragmatist party that would eschew identify politics and nativism, the two creepiest parts of the current two-party landscape. Such a 2/n
party would attract the never-Trumpers and Independents and Democrats who are not enthusiastic about the so-called progressive agenda. That such a party has not emerged suggests the power of the stranglehold that the two party system has on the competitive landscape. 3/n
There are big barriers to entry. Eventually, maybe after 2024 is so appalling, such a party will overcome these barriers. Or maybe, the D's and R's will regain some sanity. I am not optimistic. 4/4
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