An important thread on Pakistan’s policy of ‘Bleed India with a thousand cuts’ and what we should do to not fall prey to it. I will break it down in as simple words as I can for everyone to understand, everyone who hasn’t read books about India and Pakistan. I will be starting it
with a quote from Brian Tracy, “How do you eat an elephant? The answer is bite by bite”. Pakistan understood and currently understands its position when it comes to military might and hence framed a policy that has kept India busy since times and it will keep India busy until we
learn how to change things. Zulfikar-Ali-Bhutto in his 1965 speech to UN Security Council declared ‘One thousand year war’ against India. He did not have much clue about how to do it at that time but he knew that his nation is built on system that can enable such a thing. After
1971 defeat the policy was much needed for Pakistan, not only to hurt India for the bad defeat and separation of East Pakistan, but also to take away attention from internal matters like poverty and outcry. The policy always on paper took real shape when Zia-IL-Haq assumed office
after military coup. Zia devised low intensity warfare and multiple location infiltration. Hamid Gul (who led ISI) had stated, “Keeping Punjab destabilised is equal to Pakistan having an extra division at no cost”. Extremists in Punjab were provided all kinds of help including
setting up training camps for training them and arming them with latest weapons. Pakistan however knew that Punjab insurgency won’t last because Sikhs were divided in opinion on whether or not to have Khalistan. Sikhs held moral high grounds and ultimately that led to end of
Punjab violence with losses to Sikhs and nation unaccounted till today. Pakistan started diverting Sunni Mujahids who had retired from Soviet Afghan war towards Kashmir. As per general statement of ISI, Pakistan officially calls the militancy in kashmir as ‘Freedom Struggle’.
Pakistan has kept India down by making it place 700,000 armed forces in Kashmir at staggering costs for nation like ours and it according to Hassan Haqani (Pak foreign ambassador to US) is a win that is invisible to world. According to Policy Pakistan will veil the nuclear
threat from time to time to keep india from going into a conventional war. Pakistan is actively using our neighbors Nepal, Bangladesh, Iran, China to keep India busy by invoking small problems with them. As per Shamshad Ahmed (Pak Foreign Sec) at that time, “it’s neighbors (he is
talking about India) don’t like the fact that it is progressing.” And that implies China. Similarly 2013, 2015 we have all seen Pakistan agents creating groups like Harkat-Ul-Jihad in Bangladesh and Kashmir. Coming to present date here are five ways they are able to do it.
1. India has 172 million Muslims and Pakistan see’s this as a passive resource that can be utilised with enough radicalisation and creating an atmosphere of Fear in them. If you are able to make Indian Muslims feel unsafe they will play into hands of anyone to feel safe. Watch

General Musharraf hinting that Indian Muslims will also rise against india if need be. How have they achieved it and how can we change it? There are elements that are responsible for the fear and islamophobia you see today. It is not the right wing, not
anyone. Please understand the grounds of creation of that fear. Don’t fall into that. Indian Muslims are a hug away and I recommend that because you have no clue of draconian policy that sees them a passive bomb. So next time you hear anything, see it in this context once.
2. Attack on Indian Parliament and other attacks on Indian cities other than Kashmir like Mumbai attacks is second feature of the policy that activates the groups in Indian cities to keep the atmosphere of chaos. It takes ages for cities to become normal with trauma.
3. In new world order where nationalism is given importance, be it US president or India, Pakistan see’s it’s policy weakening and sanctions increasing and hence the only cry on all platforms is the ‘Islamophobia’. If you observe Imran Khan’s any recent speech, the stress is on
islamophobia and the intent is to make India feel culprit for it. They are winning this one as well because we are not being good at all times to our own people. Let’s accept it. We need to be vigilant about the policy which we aren’t.
4. Make indian politics look bad. Among
many things in the book ‘Explaining Pakistan’s foreign Policy, escaping India’ by Aparna Pande, Pakistan has successfully made sure that Indian politics stays rotten to the core. That Indian political parties have no belief system in govt and see govt as enemy of common man.
This is the most dangerous policy because if you think having congress in power will solve it, it won’t. The way BJP has been portrayed today by Pakistan policies as Draconian, they can do it to congress too. Haven’t they converted Punjab into land of drugs? It’s not about
parties and unless we as nation rise as one nation, irrespective of being bhakt or left or liberal or whatever, they will keep winning. So next time you call someone bhakt or liberal, you’ve fallen into hands of ISI.
5. Fifth and last is the religion card. Pakistan has time and
again accepted that ‘religious diversity is fabric of nation’ by portraying itself as diverse, however it is the fear they have about us. And as far as I can see they have majorly succeeded in creating dent.

Not all is lost. It is all upto us. Let this tweet be reminder that
we are one, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. We are one. If Kashmiris are angry, we can talk. Let’s not fall prey to policy of neighbor. If you want to call out someome on religion stop and think. If you want to support a party blindly, stop and think. We are far more educated than
Pakistan is and that’s why we will win this war.
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