this is a good guide that includes a lot of “this will work if everyone involved is smart about following social distancing” which.... you know what just stay home
I actually don’t think encouraging people to do things like gather with another family “as long ass...” is smart because people are bound to fuck up and do something that makes the activity high risk.
A lot of coverage of what is and isn’t safe feels like it’s pandering to people who are whining about not being able to see their friends and do fun things this summer and frankly there is no demographic of people that we should care less about.
“Don’t worry! Sports will come back!!” “Don’t worry! You can go on vacation with your friends!!” “Don’t worry! That backyard bbq you’re planning will be fine!” Grow up. If your biggest worry right now is “how will I have fun this summer” you need to fucking check your privilege.
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