thread explaining why there are no good landlords
let's start with this. the idea that housing is a luxury one should be able to afford is disgusting. the capitalist idea that someone who does no work should profit off of those who do, is disgusting. a renter gives 1-2/3 of their income towards nothing,
and landlords put in no labor to ensure that. let me reiterate. someone profits directly off of someone poor enough that they have to rent rather than own a place to live while putting in absolutely zero labor into ensuring that.
renting, in itself, is a monopoly on low-income families or individuals; to keep the poor poor, and the rich rich. who rents? those who cannot afford proper housing, those who weren't lucky enough to inherit housing, those who live check/check and cannot qualify for house loans.
who owns? those who inherit extra property, those who own a place for themselves and a place to exploit working class citizens, those who were given the benefit of some success at least in america.
understand this; how often does someone collect enough wealth to own both a house for themselves and property to rent? more often than not, it's just like any other job in america - privilege. inherited wealth, biased deals, assumed success.
landlords use land as a commodity. if we tax a resource, demand goes down and so does supply. but with land, taxing it doesn't change how the land is used. land is a fixed good, therefore outside of normal supply-demand curves. you can't treat it like a resource.
landlords don't create any value. all landlords do is prevent someone from having shelter. there are more unaffordable, vacant properties than there are unhoused people. to tie in to my point at the start, housing, when available in a country, should be a guaranteed right.
because we have the resources. the only thing preventing this from being so is the idea that landlords as an institution should be able to leech off of those contributing to society, preventing vacant houses to be put to use.
landlords, and those who defend landlords, have had the upper hand in buying multiple investment properties JUST to drive more people to homelessness. at the very least, rent shouldn't be a number configured to pay someone else's mortgage.
rent shouldn't be 2/3 or 1/3 of someone's income. if someone contributes to society, or is physically/mentally unable to, a roof over their head should be guaranteed. because we most definitely have the resources; it just isn't profitable to do so.
the fundamental purpose of capitalism- profit- prevents society from functioning in a proper manner. where resources are USED when NEEDED - not left to rot while those in need are also left to rot.
your landlord may be nice, but it's the same idea as that with cops - the foundation on which landlord income stands makes them morally wrong by default. being a landlord might make me rich - and i would be a nice one - but i would NEVER have it on my conscience
to actively contribute to homelessness, greed, and wealth hoarding. i would NEVER find it on my record to have directly contributed to the leeching virus that is capitalism.
if you read this entire thread, thank you. it's important to me that people understand these basic ideas so that maybe one day we can take action as an educated whole. solidarity to those hassling with their landlords during this economic crisis.
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