I was wondering something the other day: Is there any way to ethically invest in the stock market?
Not asking for myself, I'm just generally curious about whether stock market investments are inherently immoral, even with companies that aren't blatantly evil like Amazon. Are there publicly traded worker-owned co-ops or is that a contradiction? I don't know how this stuff works
Ok I think this is the best answer tbh, thanks everyone! https://twitter.com/mattgorecki/status/1264962871089172492?s=19
I'm going to mute this thread now because otherwise my mentions will be about the stock market all day lol but there are some good conversations & learning happening in here, have at it
Also lol I really have to get to work but if anyone else wants to practice kindly explaining to a potential comrade why Amazon is evil, here is your shot https://twitter.com/diabeteseyedoc/status/1264966584772071426?s=19
You can follow @hilaryagro.
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