Questions journalists should be asking #DominicCummngs
1)Why couldn't your wife drive?
2) Why couldn't your niece come to London?
3) Why did you drive when you had poor eyesight?
4) How can a 4-year-old go from London to Durham without a toilet break?
5) How is going even ...
.. for a short drive not breaking the stay-at-home rules?
6) Why is it not possible to arrange child-care help in London?
7) Not breakng the rules applies if your family have a sprawling estate hundreds of miles away. Is that your opinion?
8) It's simple. You left home ...
... several times while members of your family displayed symptoms of illness and had been exposed to COVID. How is that not breaking the rules to stay-at-home?
9) Exceptional circulmstances for breaking the rules with young children surely refer to the child being in immediate...
...danger. When exacty was your child in immediate danger?
10) Why did the PM only question your trip when it became a PR problem? Was he not interested in an explanation from you as to why you travelled so far during a time of Stay At Home policy?
I could rattle of another 10, but so could pretty much half of the country I wouldimagine.
Our journalists are woeful.
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